Thursday, April 25, 2013

Been a while! Updates on our little love

Well I have not posted in quite a while, but Noah is keeping us so busy these days!! He is now 2 years and 2 months old and ADORABLE. His long golden curly flowing hair scrunches into ringlets down his back. Noah, when you take a bath and your hair gets wet it grows about 3 inches or more! We love your surfer mullet and are not quite ready to cut it yet. All we have done so far is have Gramma Tutu trim your bangs! You love your "Tutu." Babe and I toy with getting your first real hair cut but we instantly hold back at the thought of it. :/ Some day. :) Your blue eyes light up and reflect the sky when the sun comes out. Your huge smile and mouth full of teeth can make anyone smile. You are such a goofball, too! You love making people laugh by dancing, making funny faces, singing, jumping, skipping, or rocking out on the piano or drums. You also LOVE playing ball. Anything "ball", really. It's your fav word STILL (along with "Grampa" lately) and you make everything into a ball game. Grampa taught you to tuck a small ball under his shirt and say "where the ball?" so now you do that every 5 minutes and it never gets old for ever. Haha you think it's hilarious (it is). The other day you put it under your shirt and it fell out behind you without realizing it and you were just reaching under his shirt like "NO seriously! WHERE's the ball!!?" haaha we had a good laugh when you found it! Noah James you are seriously a bundle of joy. When you set your mind on something, there's no stopping you. You are determined and serious about the things you love, even at such a young age. You are creative and play with your toys how YOU think they should be played. Always making up new ways to do things and when you have exhausted all your options, you get frustrated that there's nothing left to do, so we have to move on to a new little project. You think hard before making decisions. You have always been like that. You are smart and tidy. (Slightly OCD actually. :)) When you're done with your dishes lately, you take the initiative to throw them in the sink and when you're done with garbage you throw it away. You love doing things on your own lately and helping out. Very independent (age appropriate of course) and when it's time to change your diaper, you bring me a new one along with wipes and baby powder. You are almost always happy to help unless you really don't want your diaper changed... and that's a whole other story. Aha. We are beginning to work on potty training and sitting on his froggy potty. You also have new training pants from Nana, so we wear those around the house and you will begin to wear them at Daycare during the week starting tomorrow!! Ahhh you are growing up right before our eyes and I cannot believe it! I am starting my LAST quarter of Nursing pre-req's and taking 21 credits! :/ Don't know what I'm doing but with the help of the Lord and support of my husband and fam I will stay focused and motivated. :) Anyway, back to Noah... we had a very fun 2nd birthday party for him. Gram couldn't make it but she is doing great now and Noah loves visiting her at her Camano house! I thought more people would attend your bday party, but everyone who was supposed to be there was there and that's fine with us. I made Noah "ball cupcakes" and 3 ball cakes. (one baseball, one basketball and one soccer ball) It was obviously sports themed and we had a good time with the friends and fam who attended! Noah loves the outdoors and right now he is really into rocks. I don't know why... but he loves "rocks!" He just had his 2 year well child checkup and he is still in the 99th percentile for height and 90th for weight! He is a tall solid strong boy and he is so blessed. He is taller than everyone his age at daycare and people often ask if he's 3. He does very well at daycare and loves Barbara ("Bawbwa") these days. His good friends are Rylin, Logan and Amelia. Amelia is so cute. Every time I go pick him up she says "Noah's mommy!" and runs up and gives me a huge hug! haha. He also loves his little friend "Bella." He likes to help the crying babies at Daycare. When I drop him off he runs up to them and says "uh oh!" and looks around with a concerned look on his face for help. It is precious. He also is a bit of a regulator I guess you could say. He is always telling on kids who are doing something they shouldn't be. It's pretty funny. Bubbuh also loves to read. Lately he is obviously more into the pictures and going through a book really fast then moving on to the next. He gives kisses and loves and woke me up the other morning with 2 big kisses on the lips! Sweetest thing in the world. He melts my heart with each sweet embrace. Although he is constantly making me want more babies, he is such a handful and we are both very content with him at this point in time. He is our world. He is a ball of energy and a bundle of love. We love him soo much and are beyond blessed.
 Fun with Mom & Da on Patty's day!
 Mama L <3 e="" v="">
 Beyond excited for a Starbucks berry Muffin!! Hahah LOVE that face.
 His favorite boots that he NEVER gets sick of... and being a big boy brushing his teeth! :)
 Fruit bar & Spring day. Love
 Birthday caaaakes!
 New Backpack from Dada! Such a good Daddy.
Dad and Bubbuh at the zoo! So cute!

 Christmas time...
In Aberdeen...



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