Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Blue, Rockin the Red...

Ok Mr. Handsome. Soooo now we are pretty much up to date on the blogging. You are 8 and a half months old today. I took these pics about two weeks ago. You CRAWL like crazy now. The first time you did this was on Sept. 23rd, 2011. (Almost 8 months old) You then stopped for a few days, and after that, there was no stopping you! All you had to do was see a shiny quarter on the floor across the room and BOOM that was it. Haha. I have never seen drive in a child's eyes, like I see in yours. When you want something... you get something. Your eyes widen and with a look of deep intent as you achieve your success. You are smart. I'm not just saying that because you're my favorite thing in the whole world. When I get close and talk to you, you watch my mouth with complete focus and try to move it fast like me. Then you realize you're not talking, and you just say "Mama ma ma ma... Daaaaa... Da da." and try to blow me a kiss. Not only are we getting to know you better every day, you are getting to know us as well. You looove to be goofy with us. I put one of your toys up to my eye and looked through it and laughed and you watched me and giggled. I did it a few times then I put it down and you got all excited and grabbed it and put it up to my eye and CRACKED UP. Ahaha it was hilarious. We have many bonding moments like that and I couldn't trade them for the world.
You got your first front tooth last week! Getting it was definitely not a treat though, my love. :( You got a fever of 101.5 two nights in a row and you could barely sleep. :( My 12-hour sleeper wasn't digging the broken sleep, and neither was his sleep-lovin mama. :/ BUT it's tough, but we're tougher, as your Great-Grandpa (Poppy) would have said! We powered through it and your fevers turned into a cold. Yellow snot has been the theme of the week and we are thanking God for cough medicine. You're a tough little one. You're newest thing is saying "Mamaa" all day LONG. It is precious and absolutely impossible to ignore, even though you need me every 5 minutes sometimes. Ha. I love you Bubuhh! You're getting into my scrapbooking stuff so I gotta goo! LOVE YOU! :) 

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