Monday, May 2, 2011


Great-Grandmother!! Her first Great-Grand-baby! We love her SO much and are honored!

It's amazing to me, how God made it so that our memories begin when we are 2-5 years old. I always wondered why, and lately I have a newfound theory on the topic. I have always considered my Grandparents my "amazing grandparents"... on both sides of the family, but ever since Noah has been born, I have had the opportunity to see mine and Larry's parents as grandparents. This is one of the greatest gifts I have received. I get to witness my parents love and care for Noah, during the first months of his life, and seeing that, shows me how they were with me when I was his age. It is SO FUN and beautiful to see them running around the house together, gathering what he needs in the moment. A bottle... a new diaper, a few good laughs, some good kicking for exercise. They get all wound up and follow each other around, leaving their trails behind, making little messes. "It's been a while!" They say after I call them out on their trails of blankets and diapers and onesies and pick up after them. Haha. I can see their unique love for each other as they work together to meet Noah's needs. It warms my heart and gives me confidence in the future of the young deep love Larry and I have for each other. I also get to witness how Angie loved and nurtured her son (my husband) making him the man he is today. It is an


part of the circle of life. This woman is the most independent woman I have ever met. She has raised 7 kids with love and is one of the most selfless mothers I know. This makes it very relaxing and easy to be real around her. I feel like I can truly be myself and I am so blessed to have her as a mother-in-law. She accepted me into the family with ease and has showed me nothing but love and comfort... support and advice. Lots and lots of advice. :) Thank you, Angie, for welcoming me into your family with open arms. She is always putting her children's needs before hers, even when it's clearly not easy. One thing I respect about Angie is that she tells it like it is. I love this about Larry as well and I see where he gets it. I value honesty and she is very blunt and strait-forward, yet understanding and sensitive to other peoples feelings at the same time. The woman has been through more than I could imagine and her perseverance is admirable, while her strength shows through her character. She cherishes babies. She loves Noah with a passion and puts him first. She is a selfless mother and Grandma! She gives our boy undivided love and attention and doesn't hesitate to give us a break every now and then and nurture Noah James during the night. Being able to witness the womanhood of my husband's mother has been a beautiful experience, and I look forward to the future. I hope it brings more truth, growth, love, and connection.

A tribute to the Grandparents! :)

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