Tuesday, May 17, 2011


NOAH... in a way, it was a challenge for me to move you out of your adorable bassinette and into your crib. The words, "they grow up soo fast" hit me like a ton of bricks! I knew it was right though. You were always trying to sprawl out and then you got frustrated when your hands and feet hit the sides of the bassinette. Your energy said, "GET ME OUTTA here." The first night you were in your crib, we put you down for sleep and when we went to check on you, you were clear up to the top end of the mattress!! Haahha. You had scooted your little way up there the first chance you got, and now we call you "Scooter." :) You absolutely loooove to move. You love to watch me dance. You put on your "focus face" (mouth in a "O" shape, and eyes wide,) and kick and swirl your arms and legs around... really hard. Haha. It is sooo precious. Today you literally cracked up every time I said "did you doo-doo?" Anyway, back to the crib. When we go in to wake you up in the mornings, you are on your back with your arms up by your head, and you're facing the crib bumper. You hear us talk and start smiling before you even turn to look. It warms our hearts SO much Noah, you have no idea! You know your mama and papa. :) We have been working on sleep training. I guess you could call it "working." In other words, when you're hungry, you tell us. When you're tired you show it. When we clean you and feed you and you're clearly sleepy, we lay you down in your big boy crib and you fall asleep so well honey bunch. Not much to work on! You are such an incredible child. We love you buddha babyy! :) :)

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