Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day One

Hellooo you all! Thank you to Jess for setting me up with this thing! Well... I'm in Nantes, France at the moment and it's quite an experience. The minute my plane landed in Paris I grew up about 8 notches. I was alone, vulnerable and surrounded by Foreign language. At that moment, I knew I had to rely on God. He was all I had. I followed my intuition and asked people for help as I continued to find the metro. It was as if angel after angel continued to answer my questions with love. I got on my first empty metro other than one loving yet ignorant, from my perspective American family and this middle aged French man sat directly across from me, despite the empty cart, and decided to speak. I made it clear to him that I spoke only English with a pitiful look and he continued to speak to me. I made it a little more clear, once more, and he started acting out what he was saying with his hands as if that would help. At that moment I had to decide if he was crazy, if he needed love… or if he was crazy and needed love. I decided on the latter. I thought of my family. Of my loved ones… of home… and I had to choose between fear and courage. I finally nodded with a look of revelation and replied “Oui! Ohh…” I pointed to where he was pointing with a somewhat sarcastic grin and acted like I knew what he was talking about. I prayed about it in the process and knew that he somehow just wanted to be understood… whether I understood or not. He smiled a huge grin, gave me a nod and sat back in his seat quite content. He then leaned forward and showed me on my map where he was headed. St. Michel. I must say, on some level I was happy his stop was before mine. I showed him my stop, continuously praying and he counted on his hands, “Un, doux, trios, quatre, cinq! Five… five stops for you.” I said, “Thank you. Merci.” I smiled, sat back and looked out the window. The American family reached their stop and walked off. The father shot me a look of pity as the metro took off. Chg chhg. They were gone. I, the girl in need, sat with this random man in need. Silence. More French from across the way. His cell phone rings. My new silly friend puts it up to his ear. It continues to ring… he answers… it rings again. It rings three times and he lets it ring as he holds it to his ear. My thoughts: “What is going on?” My gut tells me it’s okay. He’s a bit crazy, but harmless. He finally answers it properly. He says a few words and hangs up. He looks at me and reaches for my map. “Un, doux, troius, quatre…” Counts again.
“Oui. Merci.” I reply. I think, “Good Lord.”

Okay I must sleep now... to be continued. :)