Saturday, August 25, 2012

Autumn at the Marysville House!

It's been a while since I've blogged, and looking back, I can't believe how much you've grown!! You watched Daddy work on his volvo out in the garage at the Marysville house and seemed highly interested in his project! You crawled around in the grass at our first home, highly fascinated with the green creation.In that home, you learned how to crawl, how to scoot and coo at your best. You had your very first Christmas, Halloween and New Year. You said your first words, "Mama, Da Da, Dog." You loooove dogs. You went from a bassinette to a big-boy crib, in your turquoise bedroom that I painted for you. I took you on many walks and runs in our jogging stroller, up and down Cedar Ave. You joined me as I enjoyed many pumpkin spice latte's and crisp fall air. Dad worked his butt off so that I could spend all of my time being a full-time, stay at home mom for the first year and a half of your life. I have been soo blessed with the opportunity to be present during so many integral moments of your new life on this earth, Noah James. During that winter, Dad spent a decent amount of time with Hugo up at Stevens Pass, snowboarding from dawn to dusk! He loooves snowboarding, and I can guarantee you two will make many monumental memories some day, getting lost in the winter wonderland. Dad and Mom celebrated their 1st Anniversary in that house... well, technically in Maui, but we were of course living there at the time. Dad turned 24 in that home... and I turned 23. It was a pretty dang good first home for our little family, and we are blessed that Grampa Wampa and Grandma Tutu had it available to live in at the time. We laughed, cried, learned how much you love sleep, and learned even more, how much we love each other in that little home. Counting our blessings... God is good. :)